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The Unit’s mission is to provide effective and efficient personnel management system in support to the Philippine Air Force mission.


    1.  Executes the policies, orders and directives pertaining to personnel management.


   2.  Manages the assignments and the professional development of all officers below the grade of Colonel (with the exception of technical services) and Enlisted Personnel;


    3.  Oversees the military personnel programs affecting every active-duty Air Force member, such as recruitment/procurement, training/retraining, evaluations, promotions, awards and decorations, separations, retirements, enlistment and reenlistment, transition and Air Force Disability Program, and Gender Awareness Development programs;


    4.  Oversees the civilian personnel programs, such as recruitment/selection, position classification, assignment/placement, morale and welfare, and human resource development;


    5.  Conducts testing for PAF military and civilian personnel concerning recruitment/procurement of personnel, enlistment, CAD, foreign and local schooling, flying training (MPAT), promotion and Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT);


   6.  Provides all administrative requirements of the different PAF integrated boards related to personnel to be used as ready reference in their deliberation.


    7.  Provides life-cycle management and sustainment of personnel data and records management system for the PAF;


     8.  Oversees the smooth transition of retiring or separating PAF personnel to civilian life to include the retirement and separation planning and counseling, financial planning, technical skills training and accreditation, job search and placement assistance, business development support, and other related services;


   9.  Reviews, analyzes, develops, recommends and executes program of activities under its supervision;


   10.Implements policies and directives concerning foreign/UN deployment of PAF personnel and accounts personnel on UN deployment, Missing in Action/Prisoner of War, reported missing, captured or imprisoned, attached/unassigned, placed in an absent without leave, and deserter status; and


     11.Performs other functions as maybe directed by higher Headquarters.

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