Unit Seal and Description
The PAFPMC Unit Seal
The following colors and symbols are represented as follows:
a. BLUE AIRFOIL - signifies the Philippine Air Force;
b. BOOK – the book symbolizes the regulations, policies, official listings and data that is being used as reference for decision makers;
c. THREE (3) HUMAN FIGURES – Represents the Officers, Enlisted Personnel and Civilian Employees being managed by the PAFPMC;
d. ARROW POINTING UPWARDS – Symbolizes the Center’s goal for excellence, efficiency and effectiveness;
e. HOUSE – Symbolizes a one-stop-shop for Personnel Management;
f. LAUREL LEAF – Symbolizes honor and human resource development of PAF Personnel;
g. MORALE, DUTY, CAREER – This signifies the three (3) main concerns of PAFPMC;
h. MMVII – The Roman numeral for 2007, the year the PAFPMC was created; and
i. ROUND OUTLINE – Symbolizes solidarity, continuity and agility to evolve with the ever changing environment.